Sitio en Español    March 5, 2025  

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Serving Your Clients Who Have Remediation Needs

Remediation Services


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Our Products and Services

Our number #1 task is the manufacture and sale of mobile Soil Recycling and Remediation Equipment for use by environmental professionals and Responsible Parties.

Soir Remediation Equipments METS Yuba 160

EarthWorks/CleanSoil is the designer and manufacturer of ex-situ soil processors that utilize the proprietary Matrix Enhanced Treatment System/METS technology. Our line offers a variety of soil processing/remediation equipment ranging in throughputs of 30 tons to over 300 tons of contaminated soil per hour. Click here for complete specifications on our processors.


This was our small concept prototype the "Eureka 20"
and to date this machine has been used to successfully  treat over 10,000 tons of soil and closed 5 sites.  This small site R & D prototype provided ideal "real world" data to design and manufacture our multi-sized full production units. We have now increased the output of our smallest unit, the "Eureka 40" to 40 tons per hour and is a 4 wheel self- propelled unit. 


A key objective in the design of our line of remediation process equipment is ease of setup and use. The METS processor is easily moved to and around a project site, and it will work successfully with almost any size loader. Here you can see the  "Eureka 20" next to a medium sized "Bobcat" loader.

Our Second task is referrals of recycling and remediation treatment products to our METS licensees from vetted vendors.

soil remediation chemical and biologicalCleanSoil provides our licensees with a complete and ever expanding line of chemical and biological reagents designed for use with our METS processors. We not only provide the product referrals but provide the technical support to ensure the products are used properly and professionally to accomplish the specific remedial/recycling task at hand.                                 

Our third task is to provide technical support to environmental industry professionals in the evaluation of recycling and remedial projects and the efficacy of the METS and WESTARR processes.

 soil evaluation laboratory servicesWe provide to industry professionals and our METS licensees technical expertise in financial evaluation and application of METS and WESTARR technologies in the field. We can help you compare "apples with apples" so your clients are sure they have the correct cost/site evaluation in comparison to other methods. We'll help choose the proper reagents to get the job done in the most economically and environmentally responsible manner.

Lastly, CleanSoil/EarthWorks will consider providing soil recycling and remedial services on a limited basis to markets not currently served by one of our licensees.

CleanSoil/EarthWorks will undertake soil recycling and remediation projects in the Southeastern US and on a limited basis,  either specialized contaminant or large volume (i.e.; in excess of 10,000 cubic yards/ 15,000 tons).


We accept and compensate referrals, as well as, provide a fixed price bid per cubic yard of soil remediated. We guarantee our results! Our process is reliable, affordable and environmentally safe.

Also, keep in mind that regardless of project size or location. We can provide licenses and equipment to qualified companies and contactors operating anywhere in the World. Do the work yourself and save even more!!

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CleanSoil Technologies/EarthWorks
All rights reserved.

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